How can I delete dm's and turn off my dating

How can I delete dm's and turn off my dating profile. Too early in my recovery to even think about a relationship. That would be bad for my recovery efforts. Maybe 6 months def a year but not 45 days


Haha....indeed Sir....lots of "self care". Switch hands for excitment

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Hi Will. Go to dating in your settings to turn off dating. If you need help let me know. To delete a DM: press down on the message and choose delete from the menu.

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On the left side, there are three bars for to open the tab with friends. Click on profiles. There should be community and dating. You can turn off dating from there. Yea, I have mine off. Another month to a year and I really don't want dating messages if I not comfortable yet

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Hmm ... actually looks like that button might have moved ... a lot of things have changed with the update :confused:

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If needed, a member can tap the heart, then choose settings. That never changed. :sunglasses:

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Hey Will

You know there's a button on the dating area that if you swipe left, turns off that area. Just saying 🤷

Oh I do that all the time Mike and never sweat the small stuff......