How are your thoughts and words affecting your body?

Dr. Masaru Emoto began conducting experiments with water in 1994.

He collected water samples from around the world, froze them, and analyzed the crystals under a microscope.

He started by studying and comparing water from clean mountain streams to city tap water.

Water from mountain streams and springs formed beautiful geometric designs in their crystalline patterns, while city water and polluted water formed distorted and damaged crystal structures.

As Dr. Emoto furthered his research, he began to make astonishing discoveries as water reacted to words, phrases, and music.

Water exposed to positive thoughts, words, and music formed beautiful crystals.

Words exposed to negative thoughts, words, and music formed fragmented crystals.

So, if the average adult body is ~60% water, how are your thoughts, words, and the music you listen to affecting your body and quality of life?

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Whoa, this is pretty mind blowing. I think our thoughts are the biggest predictor of this, although behaviors are huge too. But thoughts usually become behaviors … I’ve made a conscious attempt to challenge my negative thoughts (that’s usually my default) without crossing the line into spiritually bypassing my experiences. This post has motivated me to continue to do so. Thanks for the thought provoking topic as always!

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Hey Allie! I'm glad you liked it. It's wise to question everything, especially our thoughts. The root cause of suffering is identification with our thoughts, the "stories" that are continuously running through our minds. Once we get beyond that illusion, we can know for ourselves the timeless essence of our being. You're way ahead of most people by simply being aware of your thoughts. Plus, making a conscious effort to change the unhelpful ones means you're a marvel and enlightened. :slightly_smiling_face:

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