Honestly, when I feel most sad and depressed when I'm

Honestly, when I feel most sad and depressed when I'm sober. Drugs make me feel happy and open my mind. Why does everyone want me to stop so bad. Wtf

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Because it's only temporary. You need to quit because drugs will kill you. You cab overdose. You're not your best under the influence.

I feel like I'm at my best when I'm high and at my worst when I'm sober

This podcast really helped me think about this- goes into the brain science as well but super easy to understand: ‎Revolutionary Left Radio: Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction on Apple Podcasts

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I thought same shit before I got clean man. Your dopamine/serotonin levels are naturally off, your brain will restore natural happiness after not using for a few weeks. My depression is way less since I got clean. I would wake up wanting to die until I got high. Now I wake up at peace with a cup of coffee. You can do it too. If you can’t on your own go to detox, it’s hurts like hell but you can get through it, do yourself that favor, you’re worth it man!

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Keep in mind, withdrawal effects keep you in the cycle. That’s one of the factors in being depressed

I’m almost the opposite, I almost immediately feel guilty, I end up isolating and my mind races with negativity. It’s a wonder why I always go back to using.. I really hate this shit..

Same. Can’t stop crying today.

Because it doesn’t solve your problems. It’s ok to be depressed at times but get the help if it’s something you can’t snap out of.