Honestly I'm just sick of having nobody to talk to

Honestly I'm just sick of having nobody to talk to that knows what it's like to be in recovery and what I've gone thru to get here...

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How far along are you? Its hard to have that positive mindset, but we have to dig deep.

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Hang in there friend and honestly look for a support group or meeting. You will be surprised how comfortable they can be. If you don't like one try another group too. Don't feel stuck

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Aa meetings to meet people.get a sponsor.90&90 it all helps

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If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me. I have hardly anyone myself

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If you're really, really sick of nobody to talk with, get to meetings daily. If you don't, you're not that sick of it.
Trust me, it works.
You can get phone numbers and use them too. Although most people fail at that one. But they keep going back out.

Texting messages is not the same as audible conversations.

I just hit 4 months yesterday

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Yay for you Scott! 4 months is excellent. Reaching out is wonderful step. We are all I. The same boat here. I'm at 35. Days. I also like the site "I am sober". They match up with people who are at the same area of sobriety as I. 4 months. It's great to realize that you are not alone on this journey.

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