Home alone tired of everything

Home alone tired of everything.


Do you need to talk to someone?


I'm sorry :disappointed:

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What’s on your let’s talk it out stay positive an think of the things you like to do keep your head up an don’t ever give in ..

Hello, I know it’s hard but we are all with you. If you need anything please reach out. I am new here but have been sober for 3 years. If you need to talk I’m here.

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Reach out if needed. Do something for yourself. As little as it may be it’s a step in YOU.

Home alone, isolating is a sure recipe for relapse.

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Get to a meeting and share it

You can even go to online meetings

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Word, girl, I feel that. Hang in there and I will too, k? Sometimes that’s all there is to do, one minute at a time and yeah it completely sucks and each minute feels like a lifetime but it always, always, always gets even a little bit better eventually. Thinking of you :blue_heart:

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Late night online meeting for me tonight. Helps me when in person meetings are not available because of time

You’re not alone! Keep your mind busy! Stay strong!


We are here doing this with you, your not alone, thank you for reaching out

Call me if you need to talk (908) 296-8446 :heart: stay strong

With you!

Was wondering how you're doing today. Hope all is well

Life can be better it just takes guidance and a willingness to live differently.

You need something to do!! Exercise ! 10,000 steps, puzzles, read a great book!!!

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You got this!!!! Reach out kiddo!