Hi there, I have noticed

Hi there, I have noticed lots of new
Women. They are asking about meetings in their area. I suggest Googling “AA meetings and putting in your zip code”, or “NA meetings “.

I would also suggest specifically women’s meetings. That is mainly to avoid “13 stepping “. 13th stepping is when you hook up with a male member. This often leads to partying and poor choices regarding your boundaries and sex.

More mature members are probably aware of this motivation on the part of new members, male and female.

For women I suggest a Women’s Step meeting and to find a temporary sponsor until you find someone that you gel with. This can take some time.

Also remember the SAMSA crisis hotline, where you can talk 24 hours a day to someone who will listen.

Good luck!


There is meeting apps for both programs, only problem is meetings are changed because of covert in a lot of places, meetings changed. Dont give up seek and you shall find. And Big yes to NO 13 step. Dony need anyone messing up your mind. 2 sickies dont make a wellie