Hi, struggling. Was sober for 23 years and relapsed last

Hi, struggling. Was sober for 23 years and relapsed last year when my divorce left me with nothing and anxiety issues arose. Life is better but this time of year is so hard.


Hey. I'm new to this group. How can I help?

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Hi, Kathy. I'm sorry about the relapse. I'm glad life is better. What makes this time of year harder for you?

Hey! Sorry you’re struggling right now. Agreed that this time of year, things can feel especially difficult. I’m glad you came into the app and reached out. How are you feeling today?

I am sorry your going thru this I understand I had almost 4 yrs. And got drunk again in July. I am here if you would like to chat

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I know this is a tough time of year for lots of us! I added you as a friend and I'm on here every day if you just need someone to talk to.

Don't pick up no matter what!

Hi, Kathy. I’m sorry things are rough. I’m an ear when you need it.

Hey girl I'm new here and havegot sober and relapsed a few times. Here if u wanna talk