Hi. One year sober! Still Struggling though , also like

Hi. One year sober! Still Struggling though with not using, also with my kids mother. We are not together, but still living together. I only stay with her because of my beautiful kids. The struggle is REAL!!


CONGRATULATIONS!! Are you going to meetings? Zoom meetings?

I am so sorry for your struggle. Trust me when I say your kids know you're there for them. How old are they?

Is it worth the stress on your sobriety to stay? I know you love your babies.

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Hi Jamie. Happy 1 year birthday. :tada:

I know in sobriety connecting with other sober folks is important. Do you have sober friends to talk with/hang out with? Are you attending meetings?


One year, nice. Good for you. I was just talking with some folks today about co-parenting. We discussed how to set boundaries, working on communication skills and self care. Maybe do some research on some of things you struggle with. You/we all deserve peace and serenity. Amanda nailed it. Get around some like minded people.

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