Hi my biggest problem is that I can stop drinking

Hi my biggest problem is that I can stop drinking alcohol for weeks but sudden I’ll take a drink and everything goes out the window. Recently I got a DUI . I’m looking to find people I can relate to.

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Do you have a meeting you attend? If not you need to find one. The people you meet there can be ready to take a call when you are struggling. You might consider an addiction counselor as well. They can help you diagnose your triggers and learn how to avoid them.

There is a place near me I’ll check it out thanks Steven

i have a dui too and i’m dealing w that now that i decided to get sober. ur life isn’t over just bc of one mistake!you can do this:)

Same. I can go awhile without alcohol but when I do drink I over do it big time.

The problem Charles is that you keep on believing the lie; alcohol is cunning, baffling and Powerful. It lies to you and tells you that this time everything will be okay. Has it been okay?

Thanks I have a lawyer so I’m following up with him

I would appreciate that

That’s the same problem I have

Your right

Keep going! You can do it!
There’s an app called “meeting guide”… itsa blue icon with a white chair. To find local meetings. Any time any day any where :revolving_hearts:

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I get serious withdrawal

How do you handle your withdrawals