Hi! I’m on day 5 since I quit and it’s

Hi! I’m on day 5 since I quit and it’s my hundredth time quitting. I don’t have many friends, and probably none now that I’m not drinking, or a lot of support, what gets you guys through it?

Self help meetings such as aa or na. You can meet great people who are in the same boat as us.

The realization that I didn't have friends, just using buddies made it a lot easier to continue in recovery.

I’m Day 5 as well and I’m in the same boat.. my self happiness has to be first then I might regain some really great old friends but I know I have to make this a priority right now.. hang in there

Friends are temporary and inconsistent ...
Being sober is a lifetime commitment..
I have struggled for years and even the best of friends cant understand what addiction really is or how to to respect it.
Time and strength is the best building blocks to have successful friendships..

For me lots of meetings! I found a home group and became active with them. I also have a sponsor I talk to on a regular basis. Stay connected to recover and remember WE do this together one day at a time :slightly_smiling_face: