Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ I’m new to this app!

Hi :wave:t3:
I’m new to this app! Trying day by day, sometimes hour by hour.


Ok thats very good to hear, got your back

Hi Whitney.

That’s all we can do; and that’s OK.

I’m glad you joined our community and am looking forward for getting to know more about you and your sober journey.

Hey I'm new as well. And you love to help support you if you ever need to talk lmk

Welcome Whitney! That’s the way we do it. Simply breath when life is getting β€œlifey” - it really helps to bring you back to the present. Keep checking in! You got this!

Hi, !

Welcome Whitney

Hi there

Hi Whitney, thanks for sharing and yes it's day by day. You are worth it and it does get better! Take care

Whitney William White said I cannot worry about tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today

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As long as you try your a winner

"[...]I love today!"

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