Hi, I’m new to this and I’m struggling to find

Hi, I’m new to this and I’m struggling to find transportation to AA/NA groups. I know I have to get to a meeting, and find a sponsor immediately. I don’t have any support here in NC, and doing this alone is becoming increasingly more difficult. My sobriety means everything to me.
If there is anyone in the rooms in the Indian Trail area that would be willing to help, I sure would appreciate it.

Thank you and God bless!


Wish I was closer. I’m sure if you ask someone at a meeting

I’ll try that. Thank you

Try the local AA and NA help lines? I've gotten rides thru them in the past. Depending on how you feel, you might want to ask for a female volunteer? Thank-you and God bless. :pray:

There's also Zoom. There are 1000's of meetings on Zoom. The app is free. You just need an internet connection.

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Yeah zoom is a great place to start! Some groups do both in person and zoom meetings, so if you get the word out on a zoom meeting it’s likely that someone knows someone that can help you get to an in person meeting

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I’ll try them out. Thank you

That’s a great idea! Thank you :blush:

Definitely going to check out meetings on zoom. Thanks!

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Use the ‘meeting guide’ app. You can find zoom and phone-in options.

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Since Lisa (above poster) mentioned "Meeting Guide," I thought that I'd mention a couple. I'm a recovering addict, so I attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings and work the NA program. Having said that, I was taught to "just make a meeting." I'm not above going to ANY 12 Step meeting if I'm in trouble. Hazelton puts out a free app called "Field Guide to Life." It's very, very cool! There are links for AA, NA, and Al Anon meetings, relapse prevention, the 12 Steps of AA, written out, craving button, and a sobriety counter that sits on the bottom of the home screen. Remember, this is FREE. Pass this information on please? Thank-you.

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Thank you so very much!!! You’ve been extremely helpful! I truly appreciate you

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Thank you, I just downloaded it :blush:

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Where are you from?

Hey Christina: I'm actually in a Zoom meeting when I got this message. If you like, I can get you a couple of phone numbers of female friends of mine who are in recovery. I know that they'd welcome the opportunity to work and support you. I know that it may sound strange that strangers would talk to you but it's part of what we do in recovery.

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There is an “app” that you can download on your phone that is a blue background with a white chair on it and it will pull up ALL meetings and times starting off with the ones closest to you by GPS. I know that your struggle is getting to and from but maybe just getting to one and I think another person said, just by getting there being able to ask someone will help. Best of luck!

Just downloaded field guide to life! Looks cool- excited to check it out! Thanks for info

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Christina- proud of you for reaching out when the struggle gets real. Hopefully zoom meetings will help, so far that’s what I’ve been doing. Good luck with finding transportation and happy to connect because this time my sobriety is #1!

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Hey girl I live in Denver North Carolina used to live in Monroe but moved up here for the work I'm a recovering alcohol and drug addict been sober for 26 years just remember you can control this if you put it to your mind that that's what you want that's what I did no na no AA I just said that's it I'm done but it's a minute by minute day by day week by week struggle just don't give up if you fall off the wagon wipe yourself off get back up there like you own the damn wagon if you're around people that influence you and they know what you're trying to do and they're not trying to help then they're not your friends get rid of them but don't ever give up on yourself remember you control you nobody else stay strong you can do this

message me I was in that position and ill tell ya how I got out of it!