๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Hi. Iโ€™m new here. Checking in on a

:wave:t2: Hi. Iโ€™m new here. Checking in on a day 1. Iโ€™ve been off and on the sober bus for awhile but lately more off than on. Looking to get back on and stay on. Howโ€™s your journey today? Any tips for a gal with hundreds of day 1s? Today, Iโ€™m focusing on trajectory. Are my choices leading me down the path I want or are they leading me away from the path I want.


I have had many day 1s as well. I finally had enough and today is day 18! The key for me has bern sharing my journey with supportive people both in and out of recovery communities. One good choice leads to another - stay strong!

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Congrats on 18 days that is awesome!! :sunglasses: One good choice leads to another - I love that, thank you!!

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Itโ€™s clichรฉ but just take it one day at a time. Actually I take it 1 minute or 10 seconds at a time some days. Thatโ€™s just another few moments you have sober.
Stay strong!

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Always good advice for so many situations. Thank you!! :muscle:t3:

I got too many day ones to count but I keep trying. Good luck

We only fail to quit if we give up. I keep trying too. :butterfly:

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