Hi I’m new here and sober as of 5/12/21

Hi I’m new here and sober as of 5/12/21. Glad to be out of the woods in terms of detox but nervous about a lifetime left without alcohol. It was such a big part of my life...I wonder what to replace it with...


The longer you stay sober the easier it gets


It gets easier as the time goes on


Welcome. I think everyone wonders what to replace drinking with. Some may say God. Personally I like to keep busy and learn new, positive hobbies. Your choices are endless!

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Replace it with presence. Being in the moment with those around you is terrifying at first but quickly becomes an integral part of staying sober.


Take it one day at a time


Thanks, can I go to more than 90 meetings in 90 days :wink:

The early days... rough days, but doable days. To replace drugs and alcohol I had to find something I enjoyed. I knew I was killing myself, there would be less time to enjoy. My go to was my motorcycle, I got clean in Florida so there was no time of the year I couldn't ride. Find something to keep you busy until you find what you like to do. Sober friends, through a program, will help a lot.

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