Hi , i just downloaded this app

Hi , i just downloaded this app hoping someone can help me or give me any type of advice . Im not sure if this is even the right place to ask , but.. i have a fiance who has an alcohol problem & i feel like he knows , but doesnt think it isnt too big of a problem . On the other hand , i think differently. I hate when he drinks , i hate how he acts.. and sometimes it causes arguments and fights with not only myself but with family and friends .. i jst dont know what i can do to help bc ive tried telling him that i dont like him drinking , but he doesnt take it seriously .. i jst dont want it getting worse

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I know for me. I knew I had a problem with drinking. When my girlfriend would confront me about it I would get very defensive because I knew and was scared of giving up alcohol as I became so dependent on it. The addiction makes you unreasonable. The thought of giving up something you thought brings you “happiness” and “joy” was terrifying for me. But I knew in my heart alcohol really only brought me stress and misery. I read the book “This Naked Mind” and it totally changed how I view alcohol. If he’s open to read it, I would maybe start there. Good luck!


Unfortunately there is nothing you can do if he can’t see it and want to stop. I don’t want to sound harsh but I wouldn’t move forward with a wedding because what you see right now is what you’ll get. I would suggest seeking some counsel for yourself.


Would u lash out on her and say things that u didnt mean ?

Wow ... it has to come to that ?
Did i forget to mention that we have 2 little kids together ?
3 year old and a 3 month old

I see .. i guess i can say sort relates to u bc hes 24 going to be 25 this year and he’s had lots of trauma when he was younger to the point where my family is his only family ..
it would be so hard to let him go

I would. I love her very much but in my drunken brain I would lash out out of fear, selfishness and my own insecurities. I knew what she was saying was true but would say awful things because I was scared.


Whenever he was in hs he would go talk to someone . The counselor said his case story was one of the worse he has ever read . My fiance has been through a lot . Nothing ive ever heard before .... i dnt wanna get into too much info but i feel he does need to talk to someone again bc im always forgiving him and just holding everything in at this point whenever he has an episode

Thank you . I really needed this ..

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Im definitely taking that saying !!!!
its rlly difficult, im rlly young myself . We both are & we have to little kids together . He was my hs sweetheart .. i dont want to lose him but this has been going on for a couple years ... ill give your advice a try & if he doesnt want to change then it only give me one choice :frowning:

Hey! If you’ve attempted to have honest and open communication with him about your feelings and worries regarding his drinking, which it seems like you have, unfortunately the ball is in his court. While our friends and family, significant others, etc. can definitely be a motivation to help us get sober, it’s very unlikely that it will happen unless the person recognizes they have an issue themselves. At the end of the day, all you can really do is take care of yourself and hope that he is willing to look at the issue at some point, esp knowing how important it is to you

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Of course, good luck :pray:t3:

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Tysm . I rlly appreciate it!!

I am trying not to sound like a broken record with everyone else, so I'll just say this. Find an addiction counselor and talk to them. You might hit up some Al-anon meetings too. The people there are all to familiar with what you are going through.

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