👋 Hi, I am new to the app

:wave: Hi, I'm new to the app and looking for a place to share what I'm experiencing with people who can relate. I'll be sober 6 months next weekend. I had to have a liver and kidney transplant about a month ago at the age of 32 ... completely different appreciation for every moment


Thanks for sharing! Wow, that must show you a new perspective on life!

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Glad you made it here,

I hope this app will inspire you,

And others through your story and theirs

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Welcome. How's recovery (both from alcohol and the operation)?

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Thank you for responding. I am getting better in the hospital and hopefully will be home for Christmas. I almost died twice on Oct. 7th because of how bad of a condition my liver was in. It's hard to process now how much of my life circled around when and where I could drink again. I like the idea of building a stronger support system because nothing is more sobering than having dozens of medical staff teams and your family admit they were preparing to hear i didn't make it through the transplant. Any advice for how to basically start over is more than welcome :pray:

Welcome. I hope and pray for your healing process

Welcome! Thank you for sharing part of your journey.