Hi guys I’ve been one day sober and it sucks

Hi guys I’ve been one day sober and it sucks. Who knew someone could be this weak.

I knew cause I'm on day 5 after 6 months sober. Feeling better every day. Hope the same for you. Hugs

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It will get better. The first few days suck. Take it one day at a time. You got this.

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You aren’t weak. You’re sick and you need help. You have the only disease that survives by convincing you that you don’t have it.

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It "sucks" because of withdrawals.

Continue to take it 1 day at a time. I'll get better.

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Sobriety doesn’t come easy but it does get easier stay strong

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Good afternoon Goody! You are not weak So don’t think that way.I know how you feel I felt that way at first as well. It like Craig says that’s your disease being a demon. Without that demon you’re diseased does not have a chance. To be quite honest with you I still feel that way sometimes. But I don’t do anything about it except for talk to somebody. Or go to a meeting. So don’t feel that you’re alone because you’re not. There is many of us here willing to help you. So it’s like they say one day at a time if not one day at a time one hour at a time that works. if you ever need someone to talk to look me up Anytime