Hi guys, i’m 22 years old and 4 days clean/sober

Hi everyone, i’m 22 years old and 4 days clean/sober. Starting my sobriety date over again has played a huge mental toll on me. Trying to stay up! :pray:


Stay strong you’ll get there

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Stay up, chica. Be proud of you. You're making changes now before things get extremely out of hand. You're learning quite a bit at a young age. I'm proud of you.


That great. Find a support group. Do ya go to meetings?

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Stay up?

Stay up = staying positive, upbeat, inspired.

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thank you u so so much. it means a lot to me♥️

I do go to meeting and outpatient, i also did 60 day impatient a few months ago

I was 26 when I came to aa.I had 3 people help me.and that means so much to me.I am 60 to day.

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It’s like skateboarding. Sometimes you don’t land tricks first try. Keep trying! Every day sober is a blessing so go easy on yourself :slight_smile:
You have your entire life ahead of you starting today, enjoy it! You got this.

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Girl I’m in the same boat. I’m 30 years old, have been battling addiction for the last 11 years and have only actually wanted recovery for myself within the past few years. I went to my first inpatient last summer and managed 264 days clean until I relapsed.. multiple times..which lead me to my 2nd round of outpatient that I just graduated from in July 1st. I had 37 days clean until I relapsed 3 days ago. :woman_facepalming: I’ve been beating myself up over it ever since. But it’s important to remind ourselves that this is just a setback..we fell down. Now it’s about HOW we get back up. Keep your head up chica! We got this- we’re in this together! :heart:

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