Hi guys I hope everyone is doing well. I have

Hi guys I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question… probably a dumb one but I don’t have anyone sober around me to ask. Would it be offensive to those of you who attend AA meetings if someone buys themselves a sober chip or tag but doesn’t attend AA? I’m just curious. I’ll be 34 days tomorrow, I’ve been doing this alone so far and I’m doing fine, I’m not necessarily wanting or going to buy myself one but I keep think about it. Again sorry if this is a stupid question :black_heart:

I’m not sure if it exists, but there might be a non AA milestone chip out there. Personally I wouldn’t carry a chip that says AA on it unless I was working the steps and attending meetings. But you do you.

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Not a stupid question. If having a token of your milestone would make you happy, go for it. You kind find tons of sober chips online that aren’t AA affiliated.

Do you mind me asking why you don’t attend AA? Sorry if that’s too personal

Buying a chip, to me would be no different than buying a lucky rabbits foot. If it gives you peace have at.