Hi friends. A year ago today, I took my sick,

Hi friends. A year ago today, I took my sick, constantly hung over self on a journey. I don’t think I was ever on a pink cloud. The first three months were depressing and lonely. I had no energy and felt like a shell of a person.

I have learned a lot these last 365 days. I’m so glad I took that first step. I did it all by myself. I knew I absolutely could not carry-on the way I was. I was killing myself slowly and pitifully.

I’m realizing now, that it is better to reach out and have a little more support for these kind of things. People who can understand what it feels like to celebrate a day like today. It’s hard doing this by yourself.

There’s an intersection on the way home from my work. If I go straight, I go to the corner store. If I go left, I go home. A few times, I sat at that intersection and waited... but always took that left.
Leading up to this day, I didn’t feel like it was a really big deal. But it is. I want to celebrate, and share. So here I am. Being sober hasn’t made my life perfect, but I have so much clarity and self-respect now. I remember the first time I laughed a genuine belly laugh sober. It was glorious. It took a while.

To those of you just getting started, you can do it. I’m not gonna lie, it really hurt at first. You get to feel everything you pushed down for so long. It was at times overwhelming, and other times I was completely numb. I’m still working through parts of my shadow self, but I would never go back to who I was one year ago on this day.

I know who I am again. I’ve missed my authentic self. For all the good, bad, and ugly, I’m here, and I’ll keep learning and growing. I am so grateful.

Thanks for reading.


Thank you for sharing. You inspire people’s journeys. Myself included. Have a great night

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This is amazing, I love it!! :clap::heart:

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Congratulations! You are a true inspiration for me!! Thank you

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Thanks for sharing this Melynda. Really honest and powerful. It’s clear you’ve experienced a lot of growth throughout your first year, and that you recognize sobriety is an amazing step forward but that it certainly doesn’t make all of our problems go away. In my opinion, it is a reintroduction to ourselves. Congratulations on one year, you have every reason to be proud of yourself and to share it with others. It will give hope to people who are not quite there yet.

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Thanks for sharing this. I felt will-power, honesty, and hope while reading.

You have a great way with words. I'm excited about all those you'll help on this journey.

Thanks for reminding us we can do this.

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