Hi everyone, today is my first day in my commitment

Hi everyone, today is my first day in my commitment to quit drinking. There’s literally no one in my life who is aware of my struggle with alcohol. So that makes this community really nice because I finally feel like maybe I can meet and talk to people about it. I feel like the greatest thing I could find for my success is accountability. I hope you are all well today, feel free to reach out to me anytime. Maybe we can help each other.


Hi Jennifer. I'm glad you are here. Thank you for trusting us. We're looking forward to getting to know you.

How is Day 1 so far?

Hi Amanda, so far so good. But the evening is always the hardest time for me. So I’m going to get soem exercise in and hope those endorphins help!

Try to find an AA meeting to go to this evening. You can find a zoom meeting by searching your local AA intergroup page.there are some meetimgs that are 24/7

Hi Jennifer, i am also on my first day of hopefully a commitment to stay away from meth. I am a semi-functioning user, and every time I try to stop i become an empty shell without any level of meaning. I am going to be a grandpa and tough my use has been known before, I hide it, I don’t want to be in this state when my grandchild arrives.

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I’m with you frank. Let’s take it one day at a time

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Yes! Exercise. It's good for the mind, body, and spirit.

You know what I love to drink? Seltzer water. Sometimes I mix it with lemonade.

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This is your time the demons have had there day . A few days in a tough storm then you will see the bluish skies you could ever imagine. Prayers to to you

Hi Jenn, Today is my new beginning also. I relapsed last night. Moving forward. Im looking for friends to add on here Im New . Please send me requests yall! Thanks

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