Hi everyone. Just joined. I have 33 years of sobriety

Hope you enjoy your day

Catherine, welcome to Loosid! Well done on 33 years! I was a meth user and drinker and an over thinker! 606 days today and I can totally agree with you about how our lives can be without all that negative energy we had while using! I may have a glimpse of time but it’s been the best time I could ever have given myself! I’m going to thank God for always being with me “no matter what”!
That’s love right there!

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Congratulations on life on the other side of meth. That’s no joke.

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Thank you :pray: you’re right! I’ve seen a few lives ruined from meth. And with that said it’s still amazes me how I was able to look past the destruction at the time of using and continue to use. Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful.