Hi everyone. I've been sleeping outside cause I have

Hi everyone. I've been sleeping outside cause I have no where to go and I dont have any money. Its been horrible. Its cold out here. Needless to say I've been very depressed and picked up again. I have already woke up in the hospital from an overdose and the streets are just killing me. I haven't been using these last two days but I'm stuck, I'm numb don't know where to start and im dirty and haven't taken a shower in luke 7 days so I pretty much stay to myself cause I know I look bad and probably smell pretty bad. I'm list and don't want to use anymore but I can't continue to just walk around and stay by myself all the time. I hate it. I wish I had a true and loyal friend. Thanks for listening


Hey Eddie, I'm truly sorry to hear about your situation. SAMHSA's homelessness programs and resources on Homelessness Programs and Resources | SAMHSA may be helpful for you. Also, I added you as a friend in case you ever need someone to talk to. Hang in there and keep making progress, brother.

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Sorry you’re going through this right now, Eddie. I second Kevin’s suggestion. If you can spend some time looking into resources today, it might be a big help. Thinking of you

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Don’t be depressed if you don’t mind I can be your friend