Hi everyone, im new here. have been struggling for a

hi everyone, im new here. have been struggling for a long time, im beyond a different person when i drink. i am so sick of waking up everyday so nauseated, not remembering what happened or how i even made it to bed. it is not only affecting me but those around me. please tell me i am not alone


You are definitely not alone. I was sober for 6 months and then started slipping up. Day one again today. Hoping for a better result this time. Best of luck. Please reach out to me for help. Or maybe i can reach out to you for help. :heart_eyes:

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thank you for commenting, i really feel like no one understands.

Some people don't understand but it's just not their reality.

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well said my friend.

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Just don’t let alcohol take your power. I have been sober for over 7 1/2 years now and I still struggle every day with loneliness. You are not alone. None of us are. It is just hard to convince ourselves that we feel safe without something to occupy us like alcohol. You can take the power back more and more with every day of sobriety. 


I just joined this site today and I can see it being very helpful for my loneliness. Alcohol and drugs are coping mechanisms and I recently quit vaping so I don’t have any of them anymore and it is really tough.


i find this site helpful. i joined today as well. i know it is very tough.


I was so intelligent and

I was intelligent and an expert on everything. In sobriety, I learned to be quiet, and to listen to what others have to say !
Welcome ! You are among friends here. And Meghan too !


You’re not alone



i needed to hear that. thank you

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