Hi everyone, I’m new here. Just got out of an

Hi everyone, I’m new here. Just got out of an inpatient facility and I have one month clean from drugs and alcohol. Could use some sober friends!


Congratulations Brooke. And welcome

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I just got out as well! Looking for the same! Congrats on your 1 month!


Welcome newcomer you are the most important right now you see?

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I’ll be a friend

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Welcome! I got out of treatment in 2019! Glad to help if I can

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Glad you are here. Welcome.

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Welcome to the Sober Family! Believe it or not, there is a very supportive gigantic sober community on TikTok. I found it helpful through the pandemic and divorce. 4/24/09


Awesome! I was 30 days clean yesterday. I celebrate with you.

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I’ll listen anytime!

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Welcome and your appreciated on here, feel free to contact anyone on this app.

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Cool! I’m going to check it out right now, thanks :blush:

Congratulations Brooke! ! ! :pray::heart:
Very you are happy you are here! There are wonderful woman, & men that are happy to support/ help in any way that they can… Through their own experiences. Also, just to encourage, and to help lift you up! Mine was alcohol, drugs, & cigarettes (now free of them for 5 years, 2 Months, & days! ) … Some days can be a struggle, affected, / influenced/ triggered by something/ or someone/ fortunately my faith in Jesus, & God the Father helps considerably. Jesus is my ‘higher power’/ redeemer, & saved me from addiction. Also, stay connected with people that are going to support you in a compassionate, caring, patient, kind, with empathy, & love! A counselor told me (probably a few times): I (you) are the expert of me (you)! That is huge! You are on a new journey, with a healthy lifestyle, healthy in mind, spiritual, relationships, and wealth… Way to Go! ! ! So proud of you! Don’t let anyone even for a second that you ‘can’t’! Never quit… One moment at a time, one day at a time! Each day is a gift from God! Great group of people here! (As in anything we are not perfect! ) ! Congratulations! :confetti_ball::balloon:! !
All The Best,
My prayers are with you,
God Bless,


Congrats! 24 hours at a time :wink:

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So proud of you

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Great synopsis

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Welcome Brooke your in the right spot​:blush::+1:

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How’s it going Brooke?

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