Hi everyone, I’m new here. I have needed to get

Hi everyone, I’m new here. I have needed to quit drinking for years and have finally gotten to the point where I am ready. I am a binge drinker and smoker and for years convinced myself I didn’t have an issue because I didn’t drink every day and only dabbled with drugs. But I can see how much alcohol has taken from me and affected my relationships. This is going to be hard for me because I work in a restaurant, not to mention have a brother who is a mixologist and most of my friends drink. But I am ready to make the change, even if it means my relationships change. I don’t want one more ridiculous charge in my account from a blackout night, one more regret or sketchy situation, or one more moment of being too hungover to function or do my best. That’s pretty much it, any advice you all have for newly sober people is much appreciated! My first AA meeting in NYC is tomorrow.


Congrats and welcome to the community!

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Stay strong, stay focused, definitely stay connected to meetings regularly the first three months

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Thank you🙏

Thank you so much for the encouragement🙏

Welcome Katie!
You’ve just made the best decision of your life! Bigger then a car or a house! Also you’ve made the second best choice and that’s going to a meeting! Sobriety is difficult at first. Patience and perseverance is what is needed. And most of faith! In a power greater then ourselves to walk beside us through this new found journey. Work your program to the best of your ability. Give yourself a break time to time during the next few days, months and even years. I’m constantly reminding myself that my life is beautiful now that I’m sober. Get literature, books and a sponsor. Find out what childhood trauma or adulthood trauma or both that needs to be looked at with compassion and understanding. I had some issues I stuffed for years. A little treatment and some awesome tools to cope and boom I’m on top just enough to say I’m humble, I’m ok, I’m ready to help others.
Have a wonderful evening filled with love and peace within! You deserve this beautiful lifestyle!

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Thank you, Kevin! I appreciate the great advice and kind response! Really feeling good about this decision

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Fabulous! And you’re welcome :innocent: let’s us know about your experience as it may help another who still suffers. And secret it helps you just as much. Psst don’t tell anyone..

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I wish you strength and courage on your journey! I’m very proud that you have decided to take on your addiction, you got this!

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Welcome to the journey. You've made the first step. I can imagine how hard it will be being around stuff all the time. May your journey be prosperous

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Hi Katie, you can do this, and you are right, the quality of your life goes way up! Find support and keep going back!! One day at a time​:+1::heart:

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Just be a beast about your sobriety. You will be challenged but you’re ready for this. I’m proud of you!

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I’m so happy you had the courage to take this first step! welcome home :heart:

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Congrats, it takes a lot of courage to make such a big change.

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I joined AA a month ago - was super resistant to it but finally gave in - found a good group - keep trying till you find a good fit - it helps. Good luck. Tell your friends - if they’re good friends they’ll support you ( just got back from a cabin weekend with 7 high school and college drinking buddies and friends - 100% support -

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Welcome Katie! I’m newly sober and wake up every day determined and hopeful. First few days…even weeks can be challenging after you quit so getting into a sober support group…AA…and surrounding yourself with sober friends will help you tremendously. Stay in touch!

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Hi Cheryl! Thank you for the advice and so nice to meet you!

Welcome Katie, Glad to hear your ready for a change.. Just take it one day at a time.. We are here for Support.. You got this..

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Congratulations! I can relate to the challenges of being around alcohol constantly as well as drink enthusiasts, but it can be done! Yay for understanding that your relationships will change (after all, you will have to train others to relate to you in other ways than testing a new cocktail or being a party buddy) but the fact that you are choosing YOU over all that is the most profound. You can do this! :sunny:

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