Hi everyone, I decided to make changes in my life 1

Hi everyone,
I decided to make changes in my life 1,058 days ago. Anxiety and stress still seem to be an issue. I'm a teacher so that's part of it. Anyway, I have unpleasant flashbacks at times. I'm so happy that I don't medicate myself any longer. The anxiety is a bit much. I don't have a sponsor, but open to it now. I exercise regularly. I sing, play alto sax & piano. So, I have plenty to do. I'm trying to date, but not sure because most drink and feel uncomfortable around me. Need support. Even as I write this, the tears are coming.


Hi Nicole. I’m sorry you’re hurting. If you want to chat I’m here.

Have you checked out the dating section on this app?

Did you reach out to AA for a sponsor?

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Anyone who can handle 30+ kids at a time is a hero and handling the stress is amazing. If you are interested in a sponsor I recommend hitting up some meetings. They will have folks they can recommend

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Thanks Amanda for reaching out to me.
I will recheck the dating app. I was on this site before, but left bc these foreign guys were playing games & I got discouraged.
No, I didn't reach out to AA.
Pre-pandemic, I went to a few meetings, but I find them very hostile. I know what caused me to medicate myself. I'll try again, but how do I access them now? I live in Long Island, but willing to travel.

Hi Steve,
Thanks for reaching to me. And thank you!
Is my having a sponsor based on me going to meetings? I tried some, but like I told Amanda, I find AA hostile. I know my story and they insist on forcing me to believe otherwise.
So contact my local AA?

Honestly a sponsor really depends on the type of program you do. AA isn't the only game out there just the most widely known, and the one I am most familiar with. You can always try dharma recovery or any of the other programs.

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Thanks again, Steve. I'll research dharma. I don't know of any other programs, other than AA & the program ,dharma.

Since you are alive !!! Every new day is a new chance to start something new my friend!! Live it up just do it .. dm somebody

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Just checking in. How are you, Nicole? Did you find what you're looking for?

I’m divorced from the love of my life for 3 years and just 2 months ago I learned the same thing as far as dating. As soon as the words “I don’t drink “ come out of your mouth you never hear from them again.
Is there a safe place for us to find partners?

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Your on the right path, hold on to your hind end, it gets real and it happens fast, much love to you

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Hi Amanda,
Sorry for delayed response. No I didn't yet.

I hear your pain. As soon as you say, I don't drink, it's a wrap! Bye then.

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Thank you!

You’re not alone. 16 years and recently I am struggling. Hit me back!

Hi Nicole, I found meetings in my area by googling “find a meeting “... NAWS : Find a meeting

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Thank you, Angela.

Thank you, Kristina.

I just need to find the proper fit for me. Had horrific experiences with that organization.

Well, each group is just made up of people. I know what you mean, when I first clean, hearing others “War stories “ made me want to use. In groups with more mature members will probably have Testimonies with more long term results. I strongly suggest checking out women’s groups, and avoiding male sponsors. Then there’s no temptation to use and fall of the wagon and have sex. That’s called “13th stepping “, and is strongly opposed.
Why can’t you check into some virtual meetings?

I am lucky enough to have meetings that I can walk to... and the members are mature, and there are lots of women.

Try a women’s step meeting to find a sponsor. You can get a temporary sponsor until you find someone that you gel with....

Google AA meetings, it’s really simple. Most churches may advertise on a flyer in their lobby.

I go to one meeting on the beach. It’s transcendental!

Hi Nicole. I have been sober for 15 years, sometimes great & sometimes downright horrible. But if you get through it without drinking, then you win for that day or that situation. I met my 2nd husband the love of my life, on a dating app, he drinks like a normy & loves that I don’t. There are good ones out there, just wait cause he’s out there waiting for you!