Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I had

Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I had been sober for 7 years then relapsed for 2 and was sober again for years and then little by little I started drinking again. Fast forward: I ended up in a terrible relationship and turned to alcohol to deal. And I couldnt stop. Then from there most of my life crumbled. My ex, my kids' father ended using it against me and he turned the kids against me and many people in town as he very popular. I live but dont want to because of all this. ..But yet I want to Live and not drink. Drinking isnt living. I have known the sober life before and I know it's so much better. I just hate what a grip alcohol can have on you. I am hoping to make some good connections on this app and then it will help me and inspire me. Best to everyone!


Thank you for your message. I know the struggle is so hard at times. I cant believe I let alcohol rule my life again. I am just trying to stay sober. I needed to find something different to help with that so I am trying this.

I agree . I was read in some threads and it does seem like a supportive community!

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I have done AA before but I dint like saying I am and alcoholic. Its demeaning and doesn't help. I have a problem with alcohol. Just like I don't like to call somebody autistic I say they have autism. It should not define a person. That's why I look for these other sites where I feel people are more positive.


Hi dawn it does define who we are and tells us we have a problem but what ever it takes to help you is what we are looking for remember a power greater than ourselves
I hope you find what you need if you want to add me as a friend that would be ok
I am in recovery 13 years clean it does get better and I know what it was like that is why I say I am still in recovery because I will always have a problem

Just one day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time. Hugs and prayers sent