Hi everyone! I am new to this life. My husband

Hi everyone! I am new to this life. My husband committed HIMSELF to rehab this time; he has 3 more weeks left in the program. I have damaged my stomach and esophagus due to alcohol. I NEED to get sober before he gets out! We have a adult child with disabilities, so I need to do this at home.

I had over a week sober but I've slipped the last 3 nights -1 oz. first night, then up 6 ozs. I NEED some support and that's why I'm here! I'm going cold turkey again tonight. I am grateful to be here and look forward to a new and better life!


Have you considered an intensive out patient program? It might be you best option.

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I have joined some AA classes online. I need to add and figure out Zoom today.


I hope things work out.you have a lot of stuff going on


Whatever you do, don't give up !


Look online for Alcoholic support groups. There is AA, and other groups like refuge recovery, women's sobriety groups. Holistic groups. Like Sara said, don't give up! Reach out! I'm here if you want to talk. Take it one day at a time! :heart:


Try to set daily goals for yourself. Write them down on paper. At the end of the day cross off the goals accomplished. Works for me! Good luck!!!


Thank you. I do have a lot going on. My same age widowed aunt was just here grieving.

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Love this! I have got so much done on the house lately! Much more productive!

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It works! Do it daily

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Thank you Mel! I have joined the many groups AA has to offer; I'm kinda of excited to to see what some of them are about! I'm going to work on setting up Zoom today.

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Yes but realistic goals. Be gentle with yourself

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Zoom is super easy. Find the regional AA website in your area and if there are local zooms available all you have to do is click join. That’s what I have to do and have a long long story on why I had to be medically discharged from rehab and am in the hospital for 6 more weeks. So zoom is all I have and it is very very helpful. I just joined this app today so I’m not sure if it has a DM but your welcome to find me on Facebook Ashton McEarl. If I can be of help I’d not mind at all.


Thank you Ashton for you kindness. I live in the middle of a corn field, so the online AA will work well for me. I've had an overwhelming day and I know about dinner time (drink time) I'll need support.

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Your going to need support find some sober friends to talk to. Go to a mtg and spill your guts

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Yes I am going to need support! I'll have to look into mtg. Thank you!