Hi everyone I am 23 years sober. I recently became

Hi everyone I am 23 years sober. I recently became mute. (Long story) any
Ways it has been very difficult lately. I am not able to share at meetings anymore and that is hard. I feel like I have so much to give but can't. I am disabled and have alot of alone time. Trying not to be in my head too much but it's hard. I am at a loss with my higher power because I don't understand why this is happening to me.. Would appreciate some feedback and maybe more people to text with. I have a caring heart and love to help people.


Sorry to hear about your illness. I couldn’t imagine going to meetings and not being able to say anything. I enjoy helping people as well. And I know it’s hard not to be in your own head at this point. Just keep doing what you’re doing asking for help. And I understand being at loss with your higher power. I feel the same way with mine at this time. My wife passed away three years ago on December 24. Shortly after that I got admitted to the hospital. Found out that I have COPD and chronic heart failure and diabetes. I am disabled as well can’t work anymore. And boy it sucks. So I understand what you’re going through. I could really relate so what you’re saying. And just because you don’t understand what’s happening to you there are some things that we aren’t supposed to understand. I understand all that now.And I have 37 years of sobriety.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate all that you said. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Hi Kathryn. I can only imagine the frustration you must feel. Have you considered learning ASL? You could be of tremendous service as a translator. Deafness runs in my family, and I know there are lots of ppl out there in need.

And congratulations on 23 years!!

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So far I have learned 250 words in ASL


Hi there ! On May 8, 1998, I was in a bad accident. I had to learn to walk and use my hands again. It left me using a walker peminantly at age 50. I had been a skier and long distance runner. It was really a blow to me but I decided to push thru. Here I am, a still sober grandmother to 3 precious girls. And I have a grand cat and a grand dog (my daughter's). I guess my message is to not give up on your sobriety and ASL And try to do something better than the day before. And be the best version of yourself. .I am humbly and gratefully 26 years sober.

Amazing, I look up to you and I am sitting with your newfound struggles. Technology is amazing in many ways and I hope you can take advantage of what works for you, Kathryn

Ohhhh sorry about that Kathryn