Hi everybody. I’m new to this whole thing here

I have a problem, I drink every day. After work the first thing I do when I get home is grab a drink, and drink until I go too bed. That’s not what I want to do anymore so I’m looking for suggestions on how to stay away from the drinking. Is anybody else just starting out that we could go through this together and hold each other accountable. It’s much easier to do this with someone that’s in the same situation at the same time together.

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David. Glad you're here. It sounds as if you are already at step one of the AA program. 'We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable'

I would suggest finding an AA meeting either in person (best IMO,) or at the very least log in to a zoom meeting of AA. You can just listen and perhaps you will hear your own story being told there. In my experience sobriety means so much more than simply not drinking. If you stick around long enough, I think you will agree. Best wishes!



Welcome David!
Congrats on taking the first step! Going to my first meeting was this second best thing I’ve ever done for myself. There I was able to not only hear my story but hear others share their story which put my story from being a level ten in the oh my goodness my life is over scale to a level 2 as others have had a much severe impact on their lives. Finding a sponsor is key to not doing this alone. You may not need to find someone with similar sobriety dates. Someone with some time under their belt I believe would be more beneficial as they can guide you through your sobriety.

  1. Go to meetings
  2. Listen listen listen
  3. Get sponsor
  4. Get literature/books
  5. Read the big book
  6. Practice your program daily
  7. Become open minded
  8. speak at meetings- your story may help someone else you is new.
    I hope this has helped you. Have a wonderful day filled with love and peace within!
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Glad you're here. On this app you're going to hear how AA is not the only way. Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life. I go to meetings every week and I have taken the steps with a sponsor.

Next time you're at the crossroads and are thinking about picking up, play the scene all the way forward. If you pick up you will get intoxicated and then when you wake up you will have more guilt and shame because of your failure. Then you will have to start all over. The wheel goes round and round.

Starting a new life of sobriety can have its challenges and that's all the more reason we should not try to do it alone. My suggestion is that you start getting to AA meetings and make some new friends and they will be glad to help you on your new journey.

Also, you can mix a concoction of honey and orange juice to help curb the cravings. Anything with sugar will help curb the cravings because alcohol has a lot of sugar.

If you take the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous the obsession will be removed. It really does get better but just remember that it's 10 miles into the woods and 10 miles back out

How are you doing??