Hi am new and need all the help I can

Hi am new and need all the help I can get on not being a drug addict

Hey Melissa! Glad to see you here. Being new can really Suuuuuuuuck. You are definitely in the right place :). Please feel free to friend request me if you would like to chat

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I stopped worrying about a title.

How can you be Melissa and Drug Addict?

As soon as I accepted it,

I began to feel better.

Just remove the negative stigma that has been placed upon you.

And remember you are a child of God

Hey Melissa congrats on making this realization. For me, I’ll always be an alcoholic/addict but in recovery that doesn’t rule my life anymore. I control what I do today. I can’t control the situations I am faced with, but being sober allows me to control how I react to them. I hope you stick it out and find this for yourself. I highky recommend hitting meetings, joining a 12 step program, and getting a sponsor. This was the only thing that worked for me. best of luck and if you need to talk reach out

Hi Melissa. Joining Loosid and connecting with others is a big part/step. You've admitted you need help. Use the tools available. How do you feel about NA or treatment centers?