Hi all.

Hi all. Clean for 84 days. Its been rough but definitely worth it.
My family is leaving me and im feeling pretty rejected.
Needing some sober friends.

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Hey Sara glad you’re here & reaching out. What do you mean your family is leaving you?

They are moving out. Wife and kiddo. They have been put through a lot due to my alcoholism and they feel it better for them to leave. They have been pretty hurt by me. I cant blame them. I wish I could get away from me too most days.

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I'm sorry. Will you still be able to see them? Take this time away from them to get healthy. You owe it to them and yourself. I'm sure they want you all to be together again soon.

I feel like there may be hope because she tells me that there is but I also feel like once they leave, they're going to stay as far away as possible

I'm sorry, that's hard :frowning:

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That is amazing. I'm here if you need someone to talk to

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Hi Sara.I can relate to your situation as it is all too familiar.Im here if you would like to talk directly.

Just get through today only a few more hours!

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So youve been clean for almost 3 months and she is still leaving?

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Wow that’s a lot of time to be clean. :kissing_heart:

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Hello I’m Derrick I’m from Wisconsin I’ve been sober over a year now how are you doing?

I feel where your coming from. I’m 6 hours or so away from my wife and son and going through the process of divorce. Alcohol definitely played a major roll in leading up to this. I still have hope that things will work out between us down the road even if it’s not in the sense of being together but for the benefit of our son. She will always be family to me.

Sara focus on you. You’ll never hold a relationship unless you get clean.

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84 days clean??!! What?! Do you have a sponsor or a support group? Do you make meetings? Being in recovery and clean is a great asset! Just please don't use over this or anything else. No matter what. If WE stay clean and go to meetings things will eventually work out. I was homeless and shooting dope, living behind a hedgerow 3 years ago. I kicked, started going to meetings again, reconnected with my sponsor. I got my job back, my sanity back (well, most of it :yum:) and a roof over my head. IT WORKS.

Real sorry to hear thqt, I hope youbcan see them again. Just stay positive and try not to let it affect you as hard as it may be. Sounds like you're doing great just focus on things that keep your mood up besides alcohol and keep on keeping on :smiley::+1:

I've been in this manner boat. 10 months and I don't have anyone. My girlfriend died and my family still doesn't communicate with me much. I feel your pain. Message me if u need to. I need people in my life 2.