Hi all, really struggling today. I am super anxious

Hi all, really struggling today. I am super anxious and fidgety. What helped you out when you get anxious and fidgety and have issues concentrating as it is so meditation won’t work, but any suggestions are welcome. I have been trying to book a therapist appointment and it’s incredible how long of a wait period is to see a therapist.

Busy work helps me sometimes. Just anything to keep you moving, thinking about something else. Cleaning, reading, video games, puzzle books, adult coloring books. I know a lot of people recommend exercise which is great but then if I'm still feeling that way I can't just watch TV. It has to actually be interactive... Candy Crush :heart_eyes:

Go back to basics, call your sponsor, a friend, have a peice of candy, milkshake etc. Remember this to shall pass

Go for a drive and listen to your favorite tunes. Maybe try a meeting or find a good game to play to occupy your brain and hands. Hope you feel better

Thank you all, I absolutely needed to hear from someone today. I feel bad talking to my wife about my anxiety and put more on her and this is absolutely great! Thank you all for your tips, I will try harder and do better with these suggestions. Rough rough day!!!


Hi all, thank you for your positive comments. What do you do at night when everything creeps up on you and you can’t sleep and after relying on sleeping meds for years to sleep now that I am trying to not use that garbage anymore I am trying to see what you do at night