Hi all, just finally reaching out for help, yet again

Hi all, just finally reaching out for help, yet again. Made my way through another “day 1”, but I’ve decided I can’t keep being antisocial. I have a tendency to self criticize all the damn time and it’s so much worse when I’m alone. Need to work up the courage to call a friend of my dad’s for local support but I’m one of those people always afraid I’m bothering people... or I speak before I really think about it and just feel embarrassed so then I lose touch with people. Trying to remind myself that I’ve gotta just move forward, since giving up achieves nothing. I doubt my heart can take much more if I keep drinking. Guess that’s it, sorry if too long of a ramble. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope everyone is staying strong!

Hey I'm in the same boat. Wanna do a zoom meeting together or something?

Sounds like a good idea. Tho I haven’t tried zoom yet, but I’m sure it’s easy enough to figure out. I’m usu free days and work 2-10 normally, and off Mondays and Fridays in general. Tonight trying to see if I can sleep early or if it’ll be another restless couple hours wide awake xD

Well if it is feel free to message me. I'm not doing much myself this afternoon. And you won't bother me. Lol. For that sleep issue though have you tried some white noise. I myself mimic the sounds on it when I don't pass out to my movies. Puts me down super quick

I may have to try that. I’m inconsistent on what I use, but I usually use a relaxation app that lets me choose noise options, but it’s always my thoughts that are the biggest interference lol.. unfortunately I’ve prob messed up my sleep schedule with the alcohol too. I may be rambling, I tend to say too much >_<

What is white noise?

A bunch of middle aged suburban mom's chattering to the sounds of the grocery store. :joy::joy::joy: Jk it's also called sleep static. Look at white noise static sleep binary beat thearpy

I do that too it's Koo. What app do you use

It’s called Deep Relax. But idk if it’s as effective as the white noise. I haven’t done much research yet, usu just driving myself nuts worrying about the wrong things xD

Loosid is family