Hi all.. i had 3 amazing months booze free and

hi all.. i had 3 amazing months booze free and i don’t even know how or why i went back— but, i did and i wish that i knew why.

i feel like trash today. no good ever comes out of it. i cannot wrap my head around why i fell off the wagon after 3 amazing months of not feeling like complete garbage. i make a huge effort to work out everyday. eat healthy— why i continue to choose to ingest poison is beyond me. i need to get back on the wagon. hopefully today’s decision sticks. feeling super defeated :disappointed:

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I just told someone something similar - you’ve made awesome progress. This is not a fail - it’s a lesson to learn from. Take some time to clear your head and pick it back up. 3 months are goood habits. And take some vitamins, especially B12. It’ll help with the physical grossness. You got this :metal:

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thank you so much- it’s difficult to not beat myself up over it. hopefully i can sleep off the hangover after battling through work. going to be a long day

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Every relapse I experienced was because I wanted to use. Step work with a sponsor in a 12 step fellowship has helped me. 2 years sober.

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Don’t beat yourself up.. head high and move forward

This is exactly how I feel today. I have gone months without drinking many times and then somehow, some reason - this again. Today is my day 1 again. We can do this. The choice is ours to start again.