Hey y’all,

Hey y’all,
I’m starting my 30 days (or more) on 3/21. I haven’t been 30 days sober from alcohol in over a decade. I used to drink daily and now just weekends and even that was a feat. Looking to make a permanent change by doing a month or + Any tips? I anticipate this to be so challenging.

Be careful if you start showing signs of withdrawals seek medical attention.

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As Steve said be sure to monitor your withdrawals symptoms and contact a doctor if you have any adverse reactions. Furthermore, detoxing from alcohol can be deadly; so I do recommend you contact a detox center to safely detox under a medical professional's care. Tap the sober help icon to view the available providers.

No matter how long one has been in sobriety meetings do help. There is AA, Recovery Dharma, and SMART Recovery. Reach out to one or more of these groups.

Take it one day at a time. Avoid people, places, and things that are triggers.

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