Hey y’all

New here and just trying to figure this out. Hope y’all are having a great night.

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New and trying to figure the app out also. There's so many things to do idk where to start LoL

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Haha seriously. It definitely is tricky.

Yah it’s pretty confusing at first but if you need help, we’re here. Just click the bottom & hit feed- then go to the top of the screen & hit “featured groups” and click “join & discuss “ any groups you want. I mean you can join any groups but those are the most popular. Also making posts on here is great, if you have any photos you can also share if you want & then the sobriety help section is good if something intense is going on. There’s other parts of the app too but that’s the easiest way to get involved in the chats

There’s also an update tho so you may have to click “chat” to access groups depending on your version. You can also FR people to DM them feel free to add me if you have questions!

Thank you Rachel!