Hey y’all! Today was a great day. My nephew asked

Hey y’all! Today was a great day. My nephew asked if I could take him pride shopping before work. I got to spend all morning with him and we had a blast! I got to be auntie to him and I hadn’t been for so long! It’s just so nice to be present and in the moment and enjoy life with those I love. How was everyone’s day? Tell me something that was good!!

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Here’s something good Amanda: I didn’t want to exercise and it was hot and muggy at 4:30 here. I put my weight vest on and MADE myself walk 5000 steps on the hilly trail near my house. Now I’m enjoying that “I exercised today and am enjoying the fruits of my labor” feeling on the couch with my three pups :nerd_face:. And I haven’t had a drink in 59 days :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That’s amazing! I’m really happy you pushed yourself! And I’m even happier you get to hang with your pups!!

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And even more happier about you have 59 days!!!!!

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Thank you! It’s been interesting and amazing.

It only gets better!!!

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I have 321 days today. I never thought I’d have that

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Haaaaaaaaay! Love it