Hey there. I've been sober almost 6 months

Hey there.
I've been sober from alcohol for almost 6 months, no help except from within myself. In the past I've tried In the Rooms online, and I belong to a couple helpful sober groups on Facebook. But other than that, I've been doing this alone. I've never tried a "real life" meeting.
Things are getting a little tough, and I can somehow sense I am getting a little 'weaker' and closer to a possible relapse. Just fighting one day at a time, but it's a gut instinct I am having. Sleep is still very hard.
I think I need a few sober friends to connect with... I'm just not one to rely on others or reach out. I am not a very social person (in fact, social anxiety issues are one of the very many reasons I drank). So, I Googled "recovery groups near me" and this app popped up. Why not?
Where do I start with this thing? :slight_smile:


Get into the virtual zoom meetings thats the only thing that really works for most ppl nd keep going for years possibly more

Hey! So I love that you had the awareness to realize that, at this point in your sobriety, you might need a little more support despite that feeling a little uncomfortable for you. Nice job :raised_hands:t3: For me, having a sober network has been instrumental in my recovery. I also suffered from severe social anxiety, but started small. Everything being virtual now and days helps. It also might sound crazy, but Instagram has a huge support network for sober people. Iā€™d also try out as many different online meetings as you can! dont have to be just AA, there are other programs too