Hey my names Amanda and I’m an alcoholic and an

Hey my names Amanda and I’m an alcoholic and an addict . I have 317 days today. I’ve been through the steps, and have women I’m bringing through the steps now. I lost my dad a year ago tomorrow and I know it’ll be a tough day emotionally but I also know that I’ve got a lot of people I can reach out to and I’m chairing a meeting tomorrow at a long term facility. I’m glad I can be present and there for my mom and siblings and niece and nephew now. Just wanted to share how I’m feeling:)


Hello Amanda, the best thing about this is you don’t have to do it alone, I lost my mom 14 years ago and I still feel it as if it were yesterday, but the key word for me in that is I now allow myself to feel those feelings and I do t have to drink or use over them, hang in there.


That's awesome that you can help your family heal, instead of being another source of grief. Hang in there!

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That’s awesome that you shared. Do you have a way to celebrate the awesome things about your dad tomorrow? Would you be comfortable posting your favorite picture of him? Do you have a way to live the day that would make him proud?

Feel the feelings: laugh, cry, get angry if you miss him…..feel them in a mindful way. Then….let the next feeling come and let time do it’s job.

Post here every hour if need be, let us take the journey of tomorrow with you. “The opposite of addiction is connection” and today (along with the 316 days before today) you showed addiction who’s the boss and kicked its ass. Nice job and thank you for leading the way and being such a good example to me and everyone in this family.

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Today was ok. I did a short shift at work, I let a balloon go for him. Then picked up my mom and went to my sisters to have dinner. Then I chaired a meeting. One of my sober sisters came over and watched a movie with me. I prayed , I laughed , I cried and I got to remember him in all the ways he was so special to me

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I just made a new post and added a pic. I’m just learning this app.