Hey I went 17 days and ending up relapsing today

Hey I went 17 days and ending up relapsing today. I’m feeling pretty terrible about myself

I don’t have a sponsor, I decided to do this on my own🤦🏻‍♀️

Jodi, it’s ok to give yourself a break, dust off and get right back at it. Remember you don’t have to do this alone.

Thanks :heart:

Put it behind you. Stay positive.

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Thanks Leah :heart:

I’m trying to do it on my own too. The sober tip of the day really exposed me. I have this ego…

It’s alright to stumble just don’t fall... I truly believe In community is method. As long as you have the desire to stop using or drinking you’re not alone you’re apart of a community! I’ve wandered and been lost but one thing that helped me stay clean my first few months was having faith in what someone else with clean time had told me... Whether you go to meetings or a program you don’t have to ever be alone in this. My best thinking for me to low places and I needed to let someone partially think for/ with me. We’re here for you, don’t give up! :slightly_smiling_face:

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*took me to low places

Yesterday is gone. Today is a new day!!!!!!

What did you learn from this Jodi?

Great advice Valerie!

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You might like going to NA/AA meetings & it may need the support you need, Try it one day and see if you like it

If you had cancer would you decide to cure yourself?

Addiction is not a weakness that you can just muscle through when you’re tough enough. That’s not recovery.

There are many programs of recovery. None of them say to cure yourself. If that worked, none of us would be here, right?

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