Hey, I’m new to recovery, been in rehab 90 days-graduated,

Hey, I’m new to recovery, been in rehab 90 days-graduated, sober about 5 months. Just looking for support & friends.:blush::v:



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Congratulations Sarah!!!!

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Hi Sarah. Congrats on sobriety and making it through rehab.

Congrats on 5 months Sarah! :clap: Nice to meet you! :heart:

Congratulations on your 5 months. Now comes the work. Remember one day at a time. You’ll have good days. You’ll have bad. Just don’t pick up that drink. Get or keep untouch with your sponsor daily as well as meetings. You will or perhaps found a home group as well as friends in sobriety. Something simple forward when you struggle Remember the word H.A.L.T. Never let yourself be Hungry Angry Lonely Tied. It’s on of the tools I was taught that I keep in my mental tool box​:blush::+1:

Welcome and congrats! The best piece of advice I can give is follow through with your after care it’s the most important part of treatment.