Hey I’m Bree. I’m new here. I’ve been having a

Hey I’m Bree. I’m new here. I’ve been having a problem with Xanax. I feel insecure and unhappy within myself.....just trying to reach out. I wanna be a better mama and human being


Hey I could be better. How are you?

Bree that is some sort of scammer. This site has been overrun with them lately. I will flag the account.

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Ooooh thank you

Sorry to hear of your struggle. Recognizing a problem and taking a step towards chemical independence is a huge step. One that can be both daunting and scary.

There are tons of good resources and info about different programs and their various success stories.

I’m a 12 step guy but the other leading recommendations are for smart recovery. I must admit I know nothing about it but hear good things.


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Hi Bree don’t feel alone we are with you and we support you. I feel the same, this group really helped me yesterday, keep your mind and heart open.

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Thank you so much. Yeah it takes a lot of courage to admit you have a problem. I’ve been clean from meth for 5 years but I will sometimes take pills and I take them till I really feel them and hate it. I’m a mama and I do it responsibly at the end of the day when the kids are asleep and all..... but still. I hate having to do it. I smoke pot but that doesn’t bother me much, it’s the pills they do. I wanna be the best mama I can be...and best human. Ugh

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Thank you, thank really means a lot. I’ll have to come on this app more just to talk because I really think I need that now more then anything. I’m about to be 30 and I feel like I’m having a mid life crisis.

Bree I feel the same way. I’m 38 and never did a drug in my life until my last birthday when I tried pot and because I was weak or lost or whatnot it took over my life and I needed it and now the calmness is needed for anything and now that I am trying to not smoke as much and wean off the meds and pills it’s like wtf happened and why did it all come up at once but I know how you feel and dont give up

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Thank you! I smoke a lot of weed too, that I don’t feel I have the problem with....but everyone has their own issues. You can do it! One day at a time!

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You can too!!! I am a pill user too and just struggling but I have found this app to be helpful and will use it more and keep on checking in with all of us

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Yeah I’m going to use the app too and hope it helps

Same here! I really do hope it helps too

Hi Bree, I just fell back Into temptation and smoked a little bud to calm myself down and it helped but the desire for ambien and Xanax this time of night definitely came around and I just want to tell you it’s ok it make a mistake like I did today, but support and help and we’ll get through it all WGT....
Idk if you’re spiritual but I say this when my family and I are struggling “WE GOT THIS, and I added WITH GOD’S TRUTH “ we will overcome. If you’re not spiritual we are here for you and I am here for you because I know how you feel EXACTLY! Don’t give up!

“WGT! We got this! With God’s Truth

Hey Bree I was there 3 years ago. Please be careful when you're coming off of them. I don't know how often you have been taking them but there only two types of drugs that can actually kill you from withdrawal. Alcohol and benzodiazepines (Xanax). I'm not trying to scare you but emphasize how important it is to detox medically if you have been taking them every day for a considerable period of time. I sent you a friend request if you would prefer to chat more in private. It's recommended that women help women and men, men. Since this is a social platform and not in person I wanted to reach out and help you in any way I can. If you have been taking them on the weekends or something you're fine. Anytime someone says they're detoxing off of those two things I like to bring awareness. Just want you to be safe and sober. God bless

Hi David, I’d love to talk to you as well and get your input and thank you for giving feedback and connecting with us that are struggling