Hey, I feel like I've been slipping these past few

Hey, I feel like I've been slipping these past few days, my urges come on without realizing it. I think if I "microdose" I'll be fine. But idk if this method plus being mindful of reducing my amount will help me versus quitting cold turkey.

Hey Brent. Have you heard of something called harm reduction? It seems thats what you’re trying to do, whether you’re aware of it or not. I only say that because, I never heard of it until very recently but in retrospect, I realize I spent many years attempting harm reduction (drinking less, drinking more mindfully, not drinking hard liq, etc.) before I became abstinent. Harm reduction is usually a safer path to abstinence, and there are communities that welcome people where they are at in their sober journwy. If you have time today or this weekend, try looking into it.

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I was not aware of this, but it makes sense (after I researched) how it's been somewhat implemented in public policy. I know I don't want to use or feel too many urges to, but I've gone through many lengthy periods of abstinence only to be relapsing hard.

I understand. Relapses are more common than I think most of us realize. Theyre nothing to be ashamed of, but they can teach us a lot about what’s working and what isn’t. Have you noticed any patterns that emerge in the days or weeks leading up to using again after a period of sobriety? Ive heard people say that relapse is rarely a one-time event and it is more often something that starts sometimes weeks or months before we actually get high or drunk again.