Hey i am new here and this is day 3

Hey i am new here and this is day 3 sober for me i can admit the struggle is real at times i have slept almost all of it but i am determined to get through this of ajyone can show me around and help me out that would be awesome


If you have any meetings around you that would probably be a good start. Definitely consider yourself lucky you can sleep. I don’t think I had a goodnight sleep for 30 days after I quit.

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Congrats. Stay focused. You got this. :muscle:t3:

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I was uo for a long time so i am sure my body is beyond exhausted i do have a cpl good meetings around here so i will definitely be looking into them


Welcome aboard. Congratulations on day 3

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Thank you

Welcome, this page is pretty cool i have met some nice people

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