Hey guys

I'm new here and just got done with a one on one with my counselor, she wants to see me find more sober support before weening me off my intensive treatment and so I miraculously found this app and can say I appreciate it already, it seems like a good place to go to if you're needing someone. 23 days clean after my relapse and I am happy to see things get even better :heart::heart::heart:


Congratulations Carly. And welcome!!


Welcome home

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Congratulations on your 23 days! And yes, each day things can get better! Not to say that everything will always be easy, but as long as you're sober, you'll be a step ahead!


Welcome to the biggest dysfunctional(yet mostly happy) you'll ever be a part of! Recovery!!! Woot woot for sober people


"Family" was meant to be after dysfunctional lol


Great work
Happy to.know you


Great work. And welcome to the community. Lots of wonderful people here who know exactly what you are going through. Keep up the good work.

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Great job! That's how you take charge of your sobriety!

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Congrats Carly!!

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Fantastic and welcome :pray:t4:

You are so welcome here !

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Congratulations on 23 days! :yellow_heart:

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Congratulations!! I’m here if you want to chat. I’m going on 3 months myself

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Congrats :open_hands: everything will be better

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Hi Carly, Welcome and Congrats..

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25 days now! Reward yourself. Steak dinner? Mani/pedi? 1 month is a big deal. I’m always looking for people to chat with if you wanna vent. Fairly new here myself.

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This is a very helpful community! That's awesome you were able to bounce back! So many people don't make it back after a relapse. You have worth and purpose! Congrats on your now 25 days!!

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Congrats watch out for sweet talking guys their motivation to help might be a little a skewed by ur good looks and innocence ! Do enjoy your journey ! Cheers

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