Hey guys🤟🏼 I really would love to meet more people

Hey guys🤟🏼 I really would love to meet more people in recovery, lately it’s been a little tough lately!


It gets easier just take it a minute at a time .


How much time do you have? I know I the beginning I had a tough time because the people that I thought that were friends ended up just being people that I drank with and when I stopped we didn't have anything in common anymore... I found a good meeting group and it surprised me how much I had in common with housewives old people etc. An alcoholic has a ton of personality traits like being really tough on yourself

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I had 6 and a half months and then I relapsed and went on a run with it and it ended horribly so now I’m on day 4

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Congrats on the 4 days!!! Don't beat yourself up over the slip up just keep up the good work!!!

I understand it's really tough in the beginning I remember I thought everything would get better right away but the reality is it gets really hard because you have to deal with everything you were ignoring but it gets better as each day goes on!! It's worth it keep up the good work! And it helped me to go to meetings so try a few out and find one that feels comfortable to you..

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Have you been attending any AA meetings? That’s a great way I’ve found to meet new folks in recovery.

Not always easy

Hi bri nice that you are here, sorry that it tough for you, I can agree that doing life alone has its goods and its bads, so hello bri

Welcome back Bri! Loneliness is and emotion. It will pass just like happiness. These emotions or feelings come and go. I too felt lonely in the first 6 months. I look back now and can say it was all for validation and not loneliness. This is why I was told not to get into a relationship within the first year of sobriety. We really need to figure out who we are in sobriety. We become way different when we are clean and sober. Nothing wrong with making friends who are also working their program of sobriety. Building a beautiful support group is very helpful when emotions are to strong to handle.
Stay sober my friend and happy 4th of July!

I haven’t been on here for a while. I have a question. I have others addictions that are not related to alcohol or drugs. Can I still get support here?

It gets better

Stick with it girl, you've got this :metal: