Hey everyone, new here

I was looking for some sort of sober community app in order to connect with people familiar with the recovery and sobriety world , and this popped up. Thought I'd give it a go :pray:


Welcome! Where you from?

Thank you! California. Los Angeles to be exact.

The crossing in Costa Mesa has a great meeting every Monday and Friday evening. That’s my home group.

I'll definitely keep that in mind if I'm ever in the Costa Mesa area. Thanks Andrew :pray:

Welcome Mary. Glad you’ve joined us.

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Welcome!!! You are so special!!!!

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Welcome Mary and good luck. A lot of good people on here.

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Hey Mary, welcome to the jungle! :sunglasses: I’m not too familiar with recovery, but I’ve got 977 sober as fuck days strung along. I’m also in LA…West Hollywood. Let’s be friends lol

977 sober days and counting, great freaking work my friend :muscle::metal:

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Welcome! plenty of us Angelenos on here.

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Welcome Mary!

Thank you very much. I’m pretty proud I’m not gonna lie. You know how the whole this city can be, and how everything revolves around the alcohol lol. I read your profile and I’m also music oriented like you…as well as a huge gym nut. I lean on my workouts every single day for so much haha. I thought I could DM from here but I think we have to match on the other section so I’ll add there in case we don’t wanna clog up this thread👌🏻

Hey Mary. Long Beach here, but I’m all over LA county for work. I am new’ish again to sobriety- haven’t started going to meetings yet, but if you ever need to talk, or want to check out a meeting let me know!

Thank you! And welcome back :pray: right on


Awesome! I was born and raised there. I’m now in Florida.

Hi I'm Chris welcome

Yes :raised_hands:t2: :muscle:t4:🏋‍♂
Me also. Really helped in my alcohol recovery

Welcome Mary!:hugs: Always love making sober friends.