Hey everyone I'm new to this app but I need

Hey everyone I'm new to this app but I need something to help i feel like I've hit rock bottom and struggling everyday to find the small wins. All I want to say is hi and I hope everyone is doing well.

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Welcome, Nick! I think you'll like Loosid. Most of the people are friendly and willing to help. Also, rock bottom isn't so bad when you realize that it's just a concept. It doesn't mean being divorced, bankrupt, homeless, unemployed, and living under a bridge or anything else. ⁣You simply need to ask yourself, "Do I want my life to get any worse than it is right now?" ⁣If not, you're at your rock bottom right now.⁣ Rock bottom is relative.⁣ It rises as you raise your standards. Keep learning and growing, bro. Soon enough, your addiction will be a distant memory.

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As an alleged or addic u need help u can’t do it alone

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